Travel Coffee Machine: Which is the best in 2025?

machine café expresso portable nomade de voyage

If on your next trip you want to be sure to have good coffee, I invite you to discover in today’s article portable travel coffee machine ! An ideal accessory for all travelers who would like to drink a good coffee when they go traveling!

Let’s discover together how it works, the different existing models, the 7 Best Portable Travel Coffee Machines in 2025, but above all how to choose yours and buy the right one among all those available on the market!

Top 7: Best Portable Travel Coffee Machine in 2025

I have selected for you 7 models of travel coffee machines which in my opinion are the best in 2025!

No. 1: IQQI

No. 2: Lanlan

No. 3: Conqueco

No. 4: IQQI Mini



GOPLUS Machine à Espresso Portable, Cafetière Portable tout-en-un, 2 en 1 Capsule...
  • Goût professionnel 2 en 1 : La machine à café portable convient aux capsules...
  • Nettoyage et arrêt automatique : Nous plaçons le bouton de nettoyage de la...
  • Opération rapide et efficace : La machine à café portable a une pression...
  • Taille raisonnable pour la portabilité : La taille de la machine à café...
  • Matériel sûr et sain : Manger sainement est la priorité numéro un: la...

No. 7: YGGY

YGGY Machine à café pressée à la Main Machine à Expresso Portable Tasse à café...
  • Utilisant le processus de fabrication de machine à café traditionnelle de...
  • Vous pouvez filtrer une tasse d'expresso et profiter du délicieux goût des...
  • Ajoutez simplement de l'eau chaude, une dosette / capsule de café, puis pompez...
  • Convient pour la randonnée, le camping, les pique-niques, les voyages, à...
  • Si vous avez un problème avec nos produits ou avez besoin d'aide, n'hésitez...

It’s what ? What’s the point ?

A travel coffee machine, is therefore a portable, small, light and compact model of coffee machine. As its name suggests, it allows you to make a small espresso in traveling abroad. Whether with a pod or ground coffee, you can enjoy coffee at any time and under any circumstances thanks to this type of machine.

The different models

There are two types of travel coffee machines, those that are electric, and those that are manual. And in these two categories, we find pod machines, ground coffee machines, and finally the 2 in 1 which therefore makes both pods and powdered coffee.

How it works ?

The principle is simple, for electric models, once charged and turned on, you put your coffee in and that’s it. Concerning manual models, you will then have to add hot water directly to your coffee, then pump by hand to create the necessary pressure to finally make your espresso coffee flow when traveling.

How to choose yours?

In order to choose your model of portable travel coffee machine you will need to ensure that the size and weight are suitable. It should be light and small to be easily transported. You must also choose the type of coffee to use and the model as mentioned above. Finally, we will also check the quality, robustness and price.

Which coffee to use?

Depending on the model of portable coffee machine you will use different coffee. In flexible or aluminum pods, ground powder, etc. Everyone has their own choice of coffee. However, I suggest buying the coffee on site, so you can taste the local production! In South America or Africa, there is very good coffee!